
søndag 12. oktober 2008

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotskij Tribute (1938 - 1980)

VARGJAKTEN oversatt til svensk av Ola og Carsten Palmær

Strupen brinner. Jag springer, springer
men idag är allt som igår.
De har oss i fällan, de har oss i fällan.
Vi springer i cirkel, i blodiga spår.

De lyfter bössorna, de skrattar och siktar
och luften stinker av blod och bly.
Vargarna snavar. Vargarna stupar.
Vi kan inte hugga. Vi kan inte fly.

De skjuter vargar, ohoj, de skjuter vargar!
Nu ropar jägarna, nu ylar hundarna,
de skjuter honorna, de skjuter ungarna,
och snön är röd som deras flaggor av vårt blod.

Kampen är ojämn. De skjuter ur bakhåll
och ingen darrar på handen idag.
De stänger vår frihet med röda flaggor
de känner vargarna och vargarnas lag

de vet att vi alltid följer flocken
att när vi var ungar och mor gav oss di
så fick vi i oss med modersmjölken
att röda flaggor går ingen förbi!

De skjuter vargar, ohoj, de skjuter vargar!
Nu ropar jägarna, nu ylar hundarna,
de skjuter honorna, de skjuter ungarna
och snön är röd som deras flaggor av vårt blod.

Våra ben är snabba. Och käftarna starka
så svara mig, ledarvarg, svara mig du,
varför låter vi oss hetsas och slaktas
varför lyder vi flockens tabu?

Vi kan inte, får inte bryta mot lagen.
Min stund är inne. Jag blundar
när han som ska bli mitt öde
ler och lyfter sitt blanka gevär.

De skjuter vargar, ohoj, de skjuter vargar!
Nu ropar jägarna, nu ylar hundarna,
de skjuter honorna, de skjuter ungarna
och snön är röd som deras flaggor av vårt blod.

Jag vägrade lyda. Jag sprang igenom.
Jag trotsade flaggorna och bröt mig ut.
Min livstörst var starkare än flockens lagar,
nu hör jag jägarns förvånade tjut

och strupen brinner, jag springer, jag springer
men allt är inte idag som igår
I jag var i fällan, men bröt mig ur den
och utan byte får jägarna stå.

De skjuter vargar, ohoj, de skjuter vargar!
Nu ropar jägarna, nu ylar hundarna,
de skjuter honorna, de skjuter ungarna
och snön är röd som deras flaggor av vårt blod.

WOLF HUNT by Kathryn and Bruce Hamilton

In my flight, sinews bursting, I hurtle,
But as yesterday - so now today,
They've cornered me! Driven me, encircled,
Towards the huntsmen that wait for their prey!
From the fir-trees the rifle-shots quicken -
In the shadows the huntsmen lie low.
As they fire, the wives somersault, stricken,
Living targets brought down on the snow.

They're hunting wolves! The hunt is on, pursuing
The wily predators, the she-wolf and her brood.
The beaters shout, the dogs bay, almost spewing.
The flags on the snow are red, as red as the blood.

In the fight heavy odds have opposed us,
But the merciless huntsmen keep ranks.
With the flags on their ropes they've enclosed us.
They take aim and they fire at point blank.
For a wolf cannot break with tradition.
With milk sucked from the she-wolfs dugs
The blind cubs learn the stern prohibition
Never, never to cross the red flags!

They're hunting wolves! The hunt is on, pursuing
The wily predators, the she-wolf and her brood.
The beaters shout, the dogs bay, almost spewing.
The flags on the snow are red, as red as the blood.

We are swift and our jaws are rapacious.
Why then, chief, like a tribe that's oppressed,
Must we rush towards the weapons that face us
And that precept be never transgressed?
For a wolf cannot change the old story
The end looms and my time's, almost done.
Now the huntsman who's made me his quarry
Gives a smile as he raises his gun.

They're hunting wolves! The hunt is on, pursuing
The wily predators, the she-wolf and her brood.
The beaters shout, the dogs bay, almost spewing.
The flags on the snow are red, as red as the blood.

But revolt and the life-force are stronger
Than the fear that the red flags instil
From behind come dismayed cries of anger
As I cheat them, with joy, of their kill.
In my flight, sinews bursting I hurtle,
But the outcome is different today!
I was cornered! They trapped me encircled!
But the huntsmen were foiled of their prey!

They're hunting wolves! The hunt is on, pursuing
The wily predators, the she-wolf and her brood.
The beaters shout, the dogs bay, almost spewing.
The flags on the snow are red, as red as the blood.

A HUNT ON WOLVES by Nellie Tkach

I strain myself out of all my might and sinew,
But today, just like yesterday,
I am close rounded.
They've cornered me, for God's sake!
They are keeping after, joyfully driving me at all speeds!

The rifles behind the fir-trees are keeping themselves busy -
There, the hunters hide in the shadows -
The wolves are frolicking on the snow,
Turned into a live target.

The hunt is on! The hunt on wolves,
On gray beasts, full-grown and puppies!
The beaters shout and the hounds bark until they're retching,
There is blood on snow and red spots of flags.

It's not a fair game they are playing,
But no hand trembles, -
Our freedom blocked by flags,
They strike safely, for sure!

A wolf can't fail his customs, -
Long time ago-blind puppies,
We, little ones, sucked our mother,
And sucked in: don't go outside of flags!

The hunt is on! The hunt on wolves,
On gray beasts, full-grown and puppies!
The beaters shout and the hounds bark until they're retching,
There is blood on snow and red spots of flags.

Our feet and jaws are swift,
Tell us, our leader, - why do we then
Rush onward, into the shots,
And not through the restraint?!

A wolf can not, must not do otherwise.
Now my time has ended:
The one I am intended for,
Smiled and raised his rifle.

The hunt is on! The hunt on wolves,
On gray beasts, full-grown and puppies!
The beaters shout and the hounds bark until they're retching,
There is blood on snow and red spots of flags.

I came out of the obedience trance -
Beyond the flags - my thirst for life is stronger,
Behind me I heard triumphantly
Their bewildered cries.

I strain myself out of all my might and sinew,
But today, not like yesterday,
I was close rounded.
They've cornered me, for God's sake!
But the hunters were left with nothing!

The hunt is on! The hunt on wolves,
On gray beasts, full-grown and puppies!
The beaters shout and the hounds bark until they're retching,
There is blood on snow and red spots of flags.

Here is a song "Chuzhoj Dom" - "The Foreign House", typical of the style of the great Russian singer and poet Vladimir Vysotskij. Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotskij, in Russian Влади́мир Семёнович Высо́цкий (1938 - 1980), was perhaps the brightest artistic mind in the former Soviet Union. A highly anti-establishemnt song-writer and singer, and became somewhat of a folk hero. His main occupation was as a lead actor at the Taganka Theatre in Moscow, where he became particularly famous for playing Hamlet in an off-stream performance of Shakespeare's play. Vysotskij appeared in several movies. He also wrote songs and soundracks for many movies and often sang them himself. Being in a constant conflict with Soviet authorities resulted in periodic bans of his songs. He became known for his unique singing style and for his lyrics, which incorporated social and political commentary into often humorous street vocabulary. His lyrics resonated with millions of Soviet people in every corner of the country; his songs were sung at house parties and amateur concerts. He died at age 42 in a hospital in Moscow during the 1980 Olympic Games. It was estimated that over one million people attended Vysotskij's funeral, almost as many as that of Pope John Paul II in 2005. Soon after his death an asteroid was named Vladvysotskij in his honor. Cosmonauts took his music on tape cassette into orbit. Vysotskij was married to the French actress (of Russian descent) Marina Vlady. Vysotskij's impact in Russia is often compared to that of Bob Dylan in America. In his last years, he managed to perform outside the USSR and held concerts in Paris, Toronto and New York City. Vysotskij composed his songs and played them exclusively on the Russian seven string guitar.
Listen to his intense voice and enjoy!

Video of Vladimir Vysotsky performing Cupola. It is his last recorded performance before his death.

I recommend:

- "Sånger av Vysotskij" by Dan Fägerquist & eldsjäl
- "Fägerquist sjunger sånger av Vysotskij live på mosebacke"
- "Bortom Vett och Förnuft". Jon Denman from Sweden singing Vladimir Vysotskij.
- "Den sentimentale bokser - Vysotskij på dansk (1999)". Per Warming from Denmark.
- "Russlands Hus - Vladimir Vysotskij (1996)" by Jørn Simen Øverli from Norway
- " Vysotskij, Vladimir: Vargjakten. 48 sånger i tolkning av Carsten och Ola Palmær"

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